
If it is a state government application, we usually show them some of the videos and they decide if they want to investigate quantum tech. If it is the voter integrity group, they would work with the Wisconsin team who use our product for other groups in other states. Regards, Jay

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I sent you to the Wisconsin team. Work with them, quit complaining. We are not political activists - we are a software company. There is no double talk here - just work with the Wisconsin team - raise the dough to do a deal with them and quit complaining.

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How do I get my state (NH) to work with you?

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Yes, it's awful. We're going to have our asses handed to us. We're irredeemably fucked up. We have to do things one-by-one using Excel, while your wonderful Fractal Technology tells us how great you are and how fucked up we are. Every time I ask Jay for help to secure our elections in Washington State, I just get double-talk and silence. No correlations between fake addresses and the registrants that use them. No list of bad entries. Just posts about how great Fractal Technology is and how stupid the rest of us are who don't have it. I am not the only one to raise a jaundiced eye about Jay. All talk and no action, at least when it comes to my numerous requests for help. Yes, Jay, you're great and your technology is wonderful, but Biden will steal yet another election because we're just stupid.

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