
We are doing a video and some public stuff in a week or 10 days - let's see how this works out. Jay

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I hate that over the past few months I’ve been getting these emails, but they never say “we’ve got this”. All Jay Valentine says is that secretary of states and all election integrity groups ignore him.

They need to propose a solution, and fast, or all that he says is just torture to us.

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I agree. This is just feeling like black pills wrapped in long winded speeches. Not saying it isn't true but it's just not constructive to keep harping on the ballot fraud and not do anything about it. If he tried and they ignored him and won't let their group clean out the voter rolls then it's time to give up or try something else because telling us in long-winded emails we're doomed is as useful as Omega4America claims those 100,000 GOP volunteers are.

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Stay tuned. Jay

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A plan moving forward would be great. I’m certain there are tons of people who would help, even ther with manpower, financial support, or both. Can’t wait to hear.

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What can we do about this? That’s the multi-million dollar question.

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That's my question as well. When I worked at a software firm and before that a well known tech company, people working for me would come to me with a problem and the first thing I wanted to know is how do they think it should be fixed/addressed? What are the options to put a stop to this?

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We are trying very hard to get everyone behind the strategy of stopping mail-in ballot mills from locations that are ineligible. Jay

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Would it help if we got the word out on social media or talk to our local representatives about this problem with the voter rolls having fraudulent addresses or tell them about your work?

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So what is the answer? I don't get it- if Jay Valentine has the data, why can't it be used?

You mean to tell me that there's NOBODY in the RNC/GOP who wants to WIN?

Are Trump and his people really so stupid that they don't know about this tech or haven't heard of it??

Is Elon Musk also that stupid to invest many millions in LOSING???

It sounds like JV has done the work and has it figured out. JV knows how to stop the steal and yet he is powerless to use his knowledge to save the Country??? WTF?

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Why doesn't the GOP.com use this information provided by Fractal ?

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Maybe the GOP is in on it. Trump isn't well-liked by the establishment. And maybe the GOP uses the same system to steal elections as well or maybe they will uses Jay's Fractal team after Trump is defeated so that an establishment GOP candidate can be president instead of Trump and they can still blame Trump and can keep another Trump-like candidate out of office or maybe they're so stupid that they'll never learn and Dems will be winning forever.

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THAT is the big question.

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Keep the faith, everyone. Jay's got this.

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First of two comments. I think we need to put out a simple message. When I talk to family members and friends about Fractal Technology, they just roll their eyes and loose interest. How about presenting a simple bar chart for each swing state showing the % of Democrat, Republican, and

illegal address (IA) voters. Jay has reported 14% IA voters in Wisconsin of all registered voters.

How many people realize that the IA party is about 1/3 size of the two major parties - it's roughly

43% D, 43% R and 14% IA. (this is just a simple guess, Jay could provide the correct numbers and I left out independents for simplicity.) That should get people's attention. There is a significant 3rd political party that most people are unaware of. This is an eye opener and a simple message.

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Second comment. This is just a simple proposal on one way to focus our effort to prevent the 2024

steal. Trump got 235 electoral votes in 2020 - this is the link. (https://www.270towin.com/maps/2020-actual-electoral-map). Assuming he gets that number again, then he is 35 votes shy of the 270 needed to win. Focusing our efforts on 3-4 states that are normally Republican but are stolen would get Trump those last 35 votes. Forget Pennsylvania and Michigan, they are too corrupt, But GA, VA, WI,

NV and NM can be won. I lived in VA for 10 years and it is a solid Republican state but the crooks

in Northern Virginia steal it every election. GA, VA and WI total 37 electoral votes and give Trump the win. Jay said that the WI team is doing a good job there and he was interviewed by some guy who lives in VA who was going to get active in exposing the steal. We need someone to tell us who we can donate $ to in those states to help expose the crooks.

I think AZ can be saved. It's solid Republican. We need someone or some group to focus on AZ.

Below is a combination of stated that we need to help Trump win with their combination of electoral votes.

GA, AZ, WI - 37

GA, VA, WI - 39

GA,VA, WI - 40


You get the idea, there are many more combinations.

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Why was Jay banned from The American Thinker?

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I think he upset the voter integrity teams in the the swing states by letting them know how incompetent and unproductive their strategies were. Some of them complained. If this is wrong let me know

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Well that could be because every time I ask about it here in Georgia they say something disparaging or do not want to discuss it.

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