
I Just heard that Elon Musk is going to donate $40 million a month to the Trump campaign to help stop the steal. I would hope that some of that money could go to hiring you or buying your tech or whatever else you recommend. Any chance that will happen?

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Of course not. That money is for travel, ads on which the grifter class gets paid a commission, consultants and salaries.

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I was so disappointed! I read that this super PAC will focus “on registering voters and urging swing state residents to vote early and request mail-in ballots. The goal is to counter Democrats Get Out the Vote campaigns and on- the-ground efforts leading up to the election”.

I cannot understand now someone of Elon Musk’s caliber who has so much information at his fingertips does not understand what is going on. I wish some high-profile person on X would get his attention on this.

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deletedJul 19
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We are in conversations with such people right now. Jay

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Thanks for the thoughts. Several have contacted us.

Regards, Jay

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Everything we are doing is being published on Substack. We are in meetings with the billionaire class - daily to get quantum to fight ballot mills in 11 states. We are working around the clock to make this a reality. Jay

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The grifter class, regardless of party, is about advancement and self-preservation. Thus, they are never going to do anything that turns visibility into exposure. Trump is probably going to lose all the major swing states - Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Minnesota - due to ballot mills we are currently watching today. Sorry to say, there is not much more that can be done.

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Good morning, Jay - that's very disheartening. Some of your earlier posts indicated that you were working with some savvy donors and that you were guardedly optimistic that the Fractal Team working with some competent state groups could be successful. Is that still a possibility? You should know that I and all of your readers are aware of the monumental efforts you are making to save our Republic!

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We are close to funding 7 states - we have the lists of the people voting from illegal ballot mills and we are most optimistic we are going to get this done. We were just responding to a note. Jay

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Will your readers be given the contact information for these efforts so we can help out where we can?

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I am very concerned about the Trump campaign ignoring this avenue of election integrity. They must know you exist if we do.

It's almost like they're trying to lose. I don't like the implications of what is quickly becoming an unavoidable reality.

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Jay - Has Tucker Carlson interviewed you? If not, can you arrange such a meeting and video? Ditto with Glen Beck, and other major conservative influencers?

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Hi Jay - so I'm working with the IV3 app and am going to submit challenges for people that moved out of state from my precinct in NV that are still listed as active voters. The deadline for submitting challenges is 7/21/2024 based on how many days out it is from the election.

If you have a Fractal team in Clark County NV, will they be able to challenge voters at addresses after this date??

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I understand the legal deadlines for challenges and then the states making changes to the databases so that those ballots don't go out come October but, I've had a small involvement in one of these efforts and I'm convinced that the legal path (while it's the path most touted) isn't the only path available.

But, the other path is... harder... and it requires capturing the data, shaping it into a compelling narrative, and then getting the press or someone outside of the establishment to become a partner in prosecuting the case in the court of public opinion.

Anyway, I believe there's hope if we miss the legal deadlines and... maybe even a better path than if we try to go to a strictly legal challenge approach.

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