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"NGOs registering illegal aliens is the same as registering street people - just a different victim class."


I worked as a poll worker earlier this year and as part of my training, also found in the training manual, there were legal requirements for checking in and voting, namely: that a person either had a valid DL or ID with a current address, some other picture ID like a passport, with one other piece of ID that contained a current address (a utility bill is an example), or, lacking a picture ID, two pieces of documentation showing name and address.

I was told to never turn anyone away, even a homeless person that we needed to let them vote 'provisionally' and, if they didn't have any of the 3 forms of ID above, then, for their address, we were to use the address of the registrar of voters for their address.

The left, and their enablers on the not-left (a.k.a. everyone else that, due to weak knees, helps them), will do anything... break of the reasonable rules... needed to ensure that there is some verification that the person is both who they say they are and lives where they say they live. Poll workers at these polling places can't be expected to verify citizenship (that has to be assumed to have been done before they reached the voting places), but the poll workers need to at least provide the election process with the certainty that the person is who they claim they are and live at the place that they say they live.

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