
We are a software company. We are NOT activists. Your comments might better be directed at the RNC and countless other organizations, who raise millions of dollars - yet cannot find voter fraud with a map. Maybe you might consider asking the RNC and major voter integrity orgs why they have not used what we find to stop the madness. Jay

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Jay... a nit, but is it possible to respond to make your responses to what's below actually a response to the person? It'd make it easier to know who you're responding to.

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Thanks. I am not proficient on Substack yet so thanks for those tips. I will do it.

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I don't know how much voter lists cost in a state. However, if you do not monitor them, you will not see the changes - like Arizona adding 22,000 new voters days before the election - in one county alone - and Kari Lake losing by 17,000. In an age when Leftist orgs spend billions of dollars with NGOs every year to impact elections I remain amazed that Republicans are not able to pay a few hundred grand to monitor voter rolls in 15 counties - but that is clearly the case. Jay

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You have clearly seen the problem first hand.

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Thank you for the 10th e-mail telling me the best plan/action is to stop the mailing of ballots to illegal addresses.

I get it. I agree.

Jay and associates are great data people.

But they suck at getting an organized movement together to get the analysis run in a state so we locals can get lists to our county election officials.

Has or will an analysis be run in Texas and sorted by county so we local activists can do something?

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Jay has posted videos of analysis, some dealing with Texas voter rolls--on Rumble as well as his website. https://rumble.com/v4tftmw-6000-tx-voters-at-ups-post-offices-from-5-counties.html

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I get the impression that these are demonstration projects and not currently in use by a team... maybe I'm wrong.

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Yes, you are wrong. They are in use in Wisconsin by the team there, in Mississippi, Texas and in Utah and Alaska by the Fractal team

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That's some good information there.

We have14 critical metro areas Clark County, NV, Maricopa County, AZ, and (I assume) Detroit Metro, MI amongst them and we have no real presence in these (plus some other metro areas in PA, GA, and NC).

I've already contacted the Maricopa GOP chair and, when I contacted Trump's leader for the state, he told me what you got, which was to volunteer to work the polls and, to them, it's so obvious, if we have GOP people there we can save the day, so to speak. I've been there, done that (in the 2020 election) and it didn't work!)

Anyway... good information.

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May 17·edited May 17

It sounds like Omega4America has already given up or do you have any support for challenges ballots mailed in from questionable addresses? So much of the tone of the newsletter is that we're doomed and Dems will voter fraud Biden into a second term.

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"So much of the tone of the newsletter is that we're doomed and Dems will voter fraud Biden into a second term."


William F. Buckley once said that “A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.” So, conservatives see what is happening, or is going to happen, and they are trying to warn society to STOP because, short of the conservative having the powers of a despot, standing and yelling STOP is about all that is available as an option.

The way I see it, what Jay is doing here is the equivalent to W.F. Buckley's conservative, because being a data guy with a real SW company, he's giving us what he can and throwing it back at us to do something.

A few times here I suggested that we need another forum, apart for O4A's site, to pull together the people here that want to do something... really do something. Ignoring the challenges of finding others to work together to do something, Jay's done much of the hard, conceptual, work for us and gave us specific tasks to do.

It'd be nice if a handful of people decided that, sure, I want to actually do something so let's set up or reserve a room in the commons area to turn this into a reality.

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I believe him. How do I get a print out of Grayson County Texas illegal addresses right before the county starts sending out ballots so I can challege them sending out said ballots? That is what has to be done in at least the Texas counties that Seth and Dr. Frank indentified as having fruad or most likely having fraud.

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May 17·edited May 17

First, there's the voter lists that's needed and then there's the other data around the critical issues like zoning and addresses legally fit for human habitation.

When I lived in the Las Vegas area I learned that anybody could download a copy of the registrar of data voter rolls for free, in fact I think I have a couple of full Clark County voter rolls from two different timepoints around 2020. I moved to the Phoenix area (Maricopa County) and I tried to get the same thing and, I'm pretty sure, that a full list would cost me around $400 per request, and all I have to do is fill out the forms to get the lists and it'd be available to me to download. Both Clark County, Nevada and Maricopa County, AZ have around 83% of the each state's population.

I never investigated what it'd take to get the statewide voter lists but, since there are only 14 key counties that can possibly swing the 2024 election and we have little organizational infrastructure and only around 150 days before ballots will be sent out, then I'd think that we need to be smart about doing this. For Texas, or any other state you can go here [https://www.ncsl.org/elections-and-campaigns/access-to-and-use-of-voter-registration-lists] and it identifies how to get those lists but, for Texas, the cost is [1,000,000+ Voters $328.13+ $0.0000625/Voter]

But, like I said above, getting the state or county voter lists is just the start of what we need, O4A provides a one-stop approach to all of the data and means of managing and querying what you'll need but, if you want to do this yourself you'd need to figure out how to add everything else in so you can bundle up a package and take it to the Registrar of Voters and force them to stop ballots going out to those address.

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It varies from state to state who can get copies of the voter rolls. I just read that in Texas anyone can get them. You fill out this form. https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/forms/pi.pdf Then once you got the rolls, I think you would have to apply a technology like the one Mr. Valentine uses to quickly find the bad addresses. Otherwise it would take too long at time when you needed the info quickly. I don't know if he has already taken a look at Grayson County or not. One of his videos is about 5 counties.

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We bought the Texas statewide list - $1,400. Then we downloaded the property tax records for 5 or 6 major counties, and posted the results on the Rumble site

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May 18·edited May 18

That's good information.

So, if we were to do what you recommend as far as monitoring the changes to the voter lists as you recommended and I'd heartily concur (once a month until closer to the election then bi-weekly and/or weekly until, I'd think end of December), we would need to plan on paying for about 14 voter lists or so.

Maybe less but, just for the lists, around $20,000, is that correct?

But, for that, starting in late September/early October we can actually get visibility on people being moved around on the lists. If I remember correctly, in one state in 2020, I think it was Nevada, where there was a claim that there were more than 10,000 ballots cast by voters that didn't show up on the voter rolls until mid-December, at which point the voters mysteriously materialized out of nowhere.

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