
Our approach has been in production in every one of the swing states since 2021 - and we have been publishing videos on our website.

Our team members saved a U.S. Senate seat with this address-driven approach.

You clearly are massively limited by critical thinking.

We report that a movie is removed - the distributor apologized because the movie said a person committed voter fraud - who clearly, provably did not - and they settled the suit before losing big time in court. When facts piss you off, you have a cognitive disability.

We have one objective - to get rid of these relational systems - and the grifters who continue to use them - against all evidence that they are failing - and move the election integrity space to quantum computing - from us or 100 other well known vendors.

So we run video after video - across a dozen different states - across 1.4 million NGOs - showing that the relational systems from your pals missed 95% of the voter roll fraud dating back 30 years.

Now you know my motives. Jay

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You are ALMOST absolutely right. Cleaning the voter rolls has to be the foundation of clean elections. I am not a techie but rather a retired construction engineer. That gives you a glimpse of my thought process. Once the rolls are cleaned using your technology, we need to ensure the votes are correctly counted and the results are not manipulated during reporting. Of the many types of fraud found extra thumb drives showing up at the counting room was one of them. Counting room poll watchers need to have a plan to monitor that. As long as ALBERTSENSORS are on the system as in Texas there is no guarantee the reported results won’t be manipulated as they were in 2020. I checked every cell of Lindell's Texas packet capture table and am more than 65% sure there was man-in-the-middle manipulation of the county post tabulation reporting to the state. All the hardware capable of wireless communication is to be removed from all voting equipment in Texas by September 2026. That law would have never passed without Lindell's and other’s he!! raising making it an issue. While your battle in this war is the most important, all of the battles for election integrity need to continue.

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I’m confused! So, are you going to be able to prevent the steal prior to the election?

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This blog is so important it should be distributed across the country! Its validation by the recent Silicon Valley tech billionaires' (i.e. David Sacks et al) contributions to the Trump campaign are a game changing show stopping reason for putting public efforts into funding fractal technology solutions to "cleaning up" voter rolls. I was delighted to see TX on the list of states that might be considering it.

Keep up your great work and the amazing insights you provide on a topic that most voters know little about. Thank you!

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Thanks for your kind thoughts. We are bustin' here to get people to pay attention to the ballot mills. We have a very compelling video coming out soon. Jay

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One of the comments states “Texas might be considering it”. The election is less than 4 months away! How is this tech going to save the 2024 elections?

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You think you have found a better way to identify fraudulent voters. Great. Whether your approach could be implemented in battleground states by November of this year remains to be seen. I am still trying to figure out why you spend most of your time attacking others who have labored in this field instead of attacking those who have committed and are committing voter fraud. Interesting that you criticize the 2000 Mules documentary while stating that you've never watched it. FYI, it mentions no names. It accuses no individuals of committing any crime. The fact that the Salem group removed 2000 Mules from their website could simply reflect the reality that litigation is very expensive. To conclude, I am glad that you may have a good approach to solve this problem, but I am suspicious about your motives.

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Quite interesting article. I appreciate your appreciation of Mike Lindell's patriotism. I think it would be great if you can persuade some high tech guys to give a hand with election security.

But I have a caution: Low tech doesn't always bring failure. It was a group of obsolete British planes that finally spelled doom for the Bismarck, the world's foremost battleship in the early part of World War II. There are a growing number of convictions for election fraud that do not result from quantum technology. There are still judges willing to make unpopular decisions when sufficient well done low tech documentation is provided, even in California, in support of EIPCa. And in time the credibility of corrupt government officials in Georgia and elsewhere will go in the trash bin, and we will hopefully stop see fewer of the outrageous anti-conservative decisions we have seen recently.

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If DJT gets elected, perhaps he will create some kind of Executive Committee to figure out the best way to clean the rolls nationwide, all at once. Where I live the Democrats were in power for more than 100 years before the Newt Gingrich revolution in Congress. It's not Democrat around here like it used to be but a hundred years' worth of rigging would take decades of litigation to clean up. IMO, Congress should pass some kind of legislation that would clean the rolls nationally-all-at-once and keep them clean. Is that even possible in these days of commonplace, vicious, ongoing corruption in this sick bureaucracy of unionized (communist AFLCIO) bureaucracy?

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I’m not CONFIDENT DJT can win unless election integrity is restored prior to November. Why has all effort to solve this not happened 3 years ago? Why wait until the last minute? Makes me believe this is all BS, that nobody really cares who wins. Is the uni-party real?

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“State of the art”

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Praise God! We finally have some visionary tech people who support Trump therefore of course, they want to win with stay of the art software that has helped their own businesses grow🎉🇺🇸🙏😘

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