This presentation is terrible. I'm a programmer, and I make real systems to do real work, and this is not what they look like or sound like. Using words like "fractal" or "quantum" make this look like snake oil. If you are doing something real, I can't tell. If I, as a professional programmer and consultant, cannot tell that your product is real, you are in big trouble with everyone else.

If this is real, stop with the fake technical gibberish, put the code and data on GitHub, and start doing something practical like generating reports that link to Google Maps so that people can see for themselves that the address is an empty lot or a strip mall or whatever.

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One would think they would provide links to the data so grassroots citizens can get to work. When the Pfizer documents were released, Naomi Wolfe and others put the data online and solicited the help of citizens to parse through it all - to much success. If this information is truly what will prevent another stolen election, and it’s a huge undertaking to process, why are they not making it free and asking for help? Putting up a paywall and budgeting 600k makes me extremely leery. Make this data available in some capacity for election integrity groups to start working on - at least in the swing states for goodness sake. The fact this hasn’t been done should warrant an honest answer as to why.

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Thanks for your comment- I totally agree with you about Dr. Naomi Wolfe. She is a brilliant woman and has done some incredible work exposing the Deep State and Big Pharma.

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I have to agree. I’ve seen a lot of comments now from different websites and whenever they see the word quantum, they all become suspicious of it being a scam. This is not what we need right now. Can the website be modified to remove words like these that are triggering the negative reactions?

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Well, it’s harder than that to reestablish trust. Why’d they use those silly words in the first place? Are they trying to fool people, or are they just ignorant? If they had no bad intentions but just don’t know anything about technology, why are they writing the copy for the site?

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Here it is - this is what we’ve waited for. Jay just put a long report on his newsletter about how to stop the steel. It’s an elaborate report about the below website and how they plan on stopping it. There is time, as says, and it can be done. I hope you have access to the report.


Join the Common Sense Elections team in lighting up that scoreboard.

So the website is StopBogusBallots.com and the name of the organization you will hopefully support is Common Sense Elections. They are here to stay and we endorse their mission.

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So glad to see this happening!! GREAT!

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Yes this is great news

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Go to the RNC or the Trump PAC's or Mike Lindell or Elon Musk or Ramaswamy, Eric or Don Jr. I dont think you need that much money. Make a deal that you will stop a certin amount of votes. They have hundreds of millions of dollars and they should on board and give you the money to stop the bogus votes. They they must be convinced.

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Can you not generate the data and have grassroots teams, readers, committed citizens get to work on it? Can you provide any data for us to dive in to?

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Thank you for noticing that there's actually nothing of substance here.

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I just donated. Go to the Tucker Carlson events to get visibility. Get as much attention as possible!

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awesome, just donated, heres another falsified ballot scam they have going, I wonder if fractal can help with this?


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Yes these demons are always one step ahead

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I asked the new website about this in their contact section, hopefully they will get on this if they arent already

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Thank you

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This is an opportunity to do something beyond voting (or griping) to shed light on and change an election system that’s been thoroughly corrupted. I have grandchildren and I want restore this country so that they might enjoy the benefits God bestowed upon this country at its founding. The time is NOW. Please consider donating. God Bless America 🇺🇸.

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Hi there,

For those of us who are not trained in computer programming ( I’m a physician), can you explain more about the background of stop bogus ballots and it’s origins?

I went to the website and saw it was started by

matthew charles albertel who seems to have been involved in finance, politics, real estate in Florida, and photography.


His bio said he worked in the White House ( which one?). I don’t want to discourage this endeavor because, especially after the 2020 results, we need greater transparency. But something doesn’t feel quite right about this website and it’s backers and funding.

Is it a neutral group or being used by a group on the Left to further sway the election? I appreciate any thoughts or clarifications. I did donate to this Substack, but more independent verification would be helpful.

Is there anyone in that organization True the Vote ( who did the documentary on the 2020 election steal) who has any thoughts on this organization or process?

Please don’t attack, am just asking the questions for understanding and peace of mind! Thank you.

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Good points

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I’ve given my first donation. Easy peasy.

May we be unburdened by what has been and what can be…🤣

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Hilarious lol

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Can you follow up and give details on how the NGO’s etc. get their hands on the ballots? I know you mentioned USPS being complicit in this fraud but that’s the question my wife asked me when I told her about this scam. I would like more detail on the methods that get these ballots into the hands of the stealers. That would allow us to explain all the steps of the steal to others. For example, the park bench, does USPS employee funnel this undeliverable to someone?

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It’s here !! - Go to the web site stopbogusballots.com-

And CSE - Common Sense elections.. this is finally exciting and now we’ve got to step up and donate so these guys can do their work. Read all of it, go to the website and hear what they’re saying… It looks totally legit, professional, and their light years ahead in their technology. Jay Valentine is also mentioned in the video that was on One America news… So we don’t have anything to bitch about now, nothing to complain about now… Let’s just step up and donate to defeat these Democrat bastards !

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Rob- SUPER exciting plus it looks like there is some real money and maybe other resources behind SBB.

It is my great hope that Elon is involved as well for obvious reasons.

If Jay's tech works half as well as he claims, it should be enough to give President Trump more than a fighting chance.

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I just see links to donate…where is the data by state?

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Check out Jay's article at Gateway Pundit:


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I went to that article and I have a couple of observations/questions.

First, Wisconsin was already had a well-funded and active election integrity movement, why was this the first state chosen? I'd think a bigger bang for the buck would've been to use another state for that rather than Wisconsin.

Second, there was a passage in the piece that read: "The preposterousness of the voter rolls is being outed – and in some states, like Arizona, its citizens may well see hundreds to thousands of ballots coming from LEGALLY UNDELIVERABLE ADDRESSES LIKE A STREET CORNER which is legal in that ridiculous state." I recently had a discussion with the supervisor at the polling place I worked at during the primary and I don't think this is 100% accurate.

Maybe there's not a specific law around the address for mail-in ballots but I've worked as a judge during the AZ election and it's clear that, for a voter with a picture ID that doesn't have a current address, to be allowed to vote the voter has certain, secondary information requirements. They must supply a current bill or other verifiable information that proves where they currently reside. Without a picture ID, they must supply -2- pieces of information... say, a cell bill, bank statement, or a utility bill with the current address showing. We had a local businessperson (one that was known by one of the other poll workers) that didn't have the current information and everything that he did have was associated with his business' address... we sent him home to get the required information and he returned and completed voting.

I'd think that, while it may be more work, these addresses can still be challenged and the voter forced to prove that they provide two forms proving their current address. It may not be the easiest way to do it and there may not be enough resources to do it to the max but voters with addresses on a street corner or vacant lot will not be able to produce the information to prove that they comply with the Arizona State laws around where they reside.

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Thanks for your very informative comments.

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Rat bastards to be exact. lol. You’re so right. Let’s roll.

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They really need to publish & make what they have on the Dark Money now. Needed to be done a few months back to have an impact. Put up on the website by state & the organizations involved to force these NGOs & organizations to explain if they understand the ties to the money they have been receiving and what has been the expectations for them receiving the funds.

This could chill a lot of illegal activity by these organizations if they knew they were being scrutinized.

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Yes hopefully this is enough to deter just enough of the ilegal activity

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What have I missed ? Yesterday things were positive and encouraging with advent of CSE and the SBB Fund…. But the last six or seven posts are all negative… What happened? ….and by the way, nothing has been changed on the CSE site… No new news there.

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If people have questions, I don't think that's necessarily negative. This site reaches a lot of people of every persuasion.

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Can this system be sued at all to prevent some of the overseas voting fraud about to be unleashed by evil democrats Jay?


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John- GP has the best reporting on the election fraud that's taking place. Here's another fantastic article on the subject of overseas voters:


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More good news from South Carolina.

A federal judge in South Carolina ruled Wednesday that an election integrity advocacy organization has the right to review the state’s voter rolls for ineligible voting.


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of course it s not going to be fair. !..... but if CSE ( and SBB ) is legit , we can fight and counter off some of the cheating to win. Demo-rats been planning this since 2020 and they factor in percentages of cheating . However w/ high R turnout , and lowering the fraud mail-in's , (which the D's didn't expect) gained from CSE & Fractal tech. - If we can lower the cheat to win 1-2 of the Swing States.... i think we win.

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