
Hi there Matt, we work with states or orgs where they have sponsorship with elected officials. We have a couple of such states moving forward. Quietly. Jay

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Today, the voter integrity team in Mississippi showed their SoS a video we did of their voter rolls and they are now engaging with us to clean them. I think that works. Jay

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This is the first substack I have ever paid for. Thank you for what you are doing and for putting this out there. I believe what you are finding is absolutely true and using your work, voter integrity groups can use your information to either help clean the voter rolls or help to limit the number of fraudulent ballots that get delivered to fraudulent addresses or the post offices.

However, how come you are not talking about what you are doing, going to do, or trying to do to stop this from happening?

I thought Wisconsin voter integrity groups, using your system, helped to save Ron Johnson in 2022. Where is the hope for this year? Is it hopeless?

Is it too late to make an impact using your system nearly 8 months before the election?

How come when I ask the GOP of Nevada about you on Twitter, they don't respond, with the exception of Robert Beadles?

Finally, what can the average concerned citizen do to help? I see nothing on your website about volunteer opportunities.

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How does one engage with you to assist on even a volunteer basis to assist with cleaning the voter roles? I'm interested and found this article for a new subscriber was fascination & enlightening. I could develop a passion to engage with your organization.

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I doubt almost everything now but your background and the premise of what you explain regarding the technology and backwards state of most of the populace makes a lot of sense. Like BK though I don't see how grassroots participants get from your solution to the demand for its implementation in time for Nov. elections. I decided to become a subscriber yesterday and want to support what you are advocating.

An unanticipated bonus for me, unrelated to fraudulent voting, is that my daughter's fiance recently bought 10 acres in TX with an abandoned donkey on it. They were delighted to get a lead to help with this poor neglected animal. They will keep it, get a vet referral and adopt a companion. Thank you all around!

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We support donkey rescue. If the donkey needs it, let me know at 512 771 7707 and we will attempt to help out. We are animal rescue fanatics! We are near Austin. Jay@Omega4America.com

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I am totally sold on your perspective, technology and thought process. You are unique in that you have a tangible plan that has proven to work, compared to others who are trying to outdo the Democrats at their own game. That's never a good plan.

What would you suggest people who are concerned about the election do to help inform/educate others about your approach?

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Fantastic, thank you!

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