
We find the harsher the truth, the more people are taking seriously what is about to happen. So far, it is a pretty good strategy. We have to wake up some clueless billionaires - and I think we may be making progress. Jay

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Pray some of these tech moguls are funding your upcoming surprise.


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Hey people, we are the only ones who post videos of our work.

Go to Rumble, type in Omega4America, watch video after video, of state after state, where we found ineligible registrants missed by the national voter integrity orgs for 20 years.

Then watch one of the Dark Money videos - see how we - for the first time in history - outed the Chinese Progressive Association - and their ties into every state.

Nobody, but nobody else publishes videos of their work.

So if you ever question us - try to do what we do in the videos yourself and YOU publish what you can do that we cannot.

And while you are at it, you may want to check in with legislators in places like Wisconsin where our tech and our testimony were the keys to finding massive problems with their voter rolls - hidden for 20 years. Jay

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We think there's a way to fight back - and we are showing how to do it - by challenging ballots from illegal locations. We think that is the best strategy and if the Repubs adopt it, they will have a payoff disproportionate to any other action. Jay

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You are NOT showing how to do it. You are daily black pilling your supporters and MAGA with these posts where you taunt everyone about how nobody will listen to you or do the right thing.

It's like you're watching the Titanic sink while you have all the life boats.

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We are trying to get others to do what we have done. We invested over $550,000 of our own dough doing this type of election work - proving the crazy anomalies in the voter rolls. We think maybe someone else might want to lend a hand. Jay

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You have many, many supporters thanks to substack and your many brilliant articles in the major online blogs. People are asking what we can do to help including maybe setting up a Go Fund Me page, but you say you don't want it.

After the last few years and all the publicity you've gotten, it doesn't seem possible that NO ONE with the RNC and/or Trump Team will speak with you and give you a chance to prove that your tech works.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

Okay JV, what's the point to all of this? Thanks to the invincible election fraud machine, Kamala Harris will win in a landslide. Hell, there may be a blue wave without the fraud if Kari Lake's poll numbers are an indicator. Trump is simultaneously gaslighting us and, at the same time, got his head in the sand. He screwed up by debating Biden too soon even though, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think he had much of a choice as turning it down or trying to delay it would have made Trump look weak, which may have been the Dems' original intentions. Even Texas will turn blue, which means the Dems will have a "mandate" to make America a Communist distopia. And I was going to say America will turn into a one-party dictatorship but it appears it already is and the GOP are just Democrats pretending to be the opposition. America is doomed. Orwell's 1984 will become reality and Kamala will be our new god queen.

So, after all of this, I need to ask: what's the point then. If America is doomed and all of the people who can stop it either are part of the conspiracy to murder it or oblivious. So, why shouldn't we cash out and party like there's no tomorrow before our new overlords have us black bagged by their jack-booted thugs and shipped us off to Gitmo once they make room after releasing all of the poor old persecuted Al Quada terrorists or to their brand new gulags in Alaska? Since it is a forgone conclusion, maybe we should just give up and declare America to be yet another collapsed empire that was murdered by the cancer that is the Deep State. Relax and accept the inevitable like a terminal cancer patient who stopped chasing after treatments and go directly to hospice, get morphined up, and wait for the end as to do otherwise will not add another minute to his life anyway and only make his last days even more miserable?

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Can someone explain what's to stop JV and his team from actually going to one of these counties, getting a copy of the voter rolls and using his fractal tech to weed out the fraudulent locations? In other words, give us an example to prove that it actually works.

JV has been touting his amazing tech for years yet somehow nobody on the inside will even try it?

Almost everyone admits that the 2020 election was 100% STOLEN.

Even the Commies are BRAGGING about what they did. It's not a secret anymore.

There are many reputable groups trying to clean up the rolls and stop the Steal including True the Vote, Judicial Watch, PILF, assorted attorneys general, etc. You mean to tell me that NONE of them are even interested?

I am not a tech person so JV's app or whatever you call it sounds amazing, just like what's needed. But what the hell do I know?

Meanwhile, if you listen to Jay, we are losing ground every day. Where are my cyanide pills?

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RIGHT THE HELL ON! One of the best comments I have ever read.

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Jay liked the article but it leaves no room for a turnaround. By trashing Tulsi, Robert Kennedy & EVERYONE in Trump's campaign you've alienated ANYONE there who might be open to trying Fractal Quantum Technology & Omega4America.

I'm still in the process of bypassing the RNC & Trump's campaign & getting Omega4America in front of Trump directly. You just made it harder.

I will take this post, modify it & use it. Regards, Frank P

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You are right. However, I don't see a fix anywhere in your article. How to fix it now? Today?

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Thanks for the update, Jay. I've noticed that your updates have become less and less positive.

For example: August 6, 2024: "Don't get depressed - keep reading - we are in almost daily diligence meetings with funders ... Our strategy works best in the cramped 90 day window from now to the election ... [we are] working in the 7 swing states and Colorado and Virginia." August 9 2024: "In every swing state plus Colorado teams are using Fractal quantum tech ... We just funded one of those, more coming on board." August 18, 2024: "Do not lose hope .... Big Money people ... We are pretty sure the teams using quantum technology can make a difference." August 23, 2024: We will update you whether we get to play in the 4 big states ..." Can you provide an update regarding these efforts? Have the Billionaires decided not to fund the Fractal Team's analysis? If that is the case, what would the Fractal Team charge to conduct its Undeliverable Addresses analysis for each swing state?

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What about a Give Send Go grassroots funded campaign?

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EXCELLENT comment. Thanks for doing the research and posting.

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Can you DM Lara Logan? She is starting to cover this on Twitter. She can talk to Trump. Stephen Miller of America First Legal? Anything new with Tucker? Any potential connections to Elon Musk, Nicole Shanahan?

I agree with you. Something is off. Kind of like his handling of COVID.

Hang in there working with the locals, though, that is where change has to happen, albeit long term.

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Can't even get in touch with SM & AFL even though I've given a couple of thousand$$ to them. No contact info. What a disgrace.

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So much for that idea, then.

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Jay, I just subscribed to your substack a few days ago so I'm on a steep learning curve.

At the same time, for a couple of years I've seen your articles in various publications, like American Thinker, among others.

It's you who brought up the "something doesn't look/sound right" theme. I'm going to take advantage and continue in that vein. What you've written in various forums sounds almost like a magical elixir for curing election fraud. I'm not blind to the fact that the incumbent election consultants don't want anyone messing with their thing. It's a closed community and they won't let in outsiders. They move from one election to the next, and make $$ win or lose. I got that.

Even with that said, I'm having a hard time getting my mind around the idea that no serious election campaign has given your technology a try. To me, that's a large part of what doesn't sound right.

Help me out.

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You bring up a good point, but your pen name is scary!

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

If you knew me you'd know I'm a teddy bear. Not evil at all.

But I do enjoy the persona. :-\

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At this point I'm starting to wonder if it's Jay doing the gadlighting; I've asked him if he's reached out to Elon repeatedly, but he won't answer. I've asked him to publish locations where the physical act of creating fraudulent ballots happens so we can go shut these operations down. He hasn't answered or addressed why he won't do that. I've repeatedly asked him what we can do. No answer, other than more bad news... he told me he's coming to Utah in October to discuss Omega with our legislature here. But Utah in Oct? Is it because no one in the swing states will listen? Obviously Jay feels overwhelmed and absolutely hopeless - this latest article is total doom & gloom... but why aren't we organizing people to greet the trucks and vans as they try and drop off illegal ballots at counting station????? It seems THAT is the weak point in the Deep states plan to steal the election; where are the Patriots in these swing states willing to go out on election day/night and maybe the week after and stop these eligal ballots and destroy them? We HAVE to do something, other than just watch it all crash and burn!

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I can tell you this from my work in NY- our county boards of election are printing up massive numbers of ballots as though every eligible voter is coming to vote. Of course they know that we will be lucky to get 50-60% actual voting county-wide.

So they have many thousands of ballots that will be dropped off at each town's polling place. At the end of the night, each polling place gathers all their ballots, equipment, etc. and vans remove everything to the BoE HQ.

There is literally no official chain of custody for these ballots once they leave the printer.

The BoE claims that they keep the extra ballots for 2 years and then destroy them. Hah!

Meanwhile, they have thousands of ballots to play with and the election won't be officially certified till mid December at the earliest.

By the way- my county is Red/Republican majority by a small amount of registered voters.

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For me, I have to “trust God is my refuge and strength and ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 therefore if I remember the Bible is full of stories of tribulations and if a few Christians repent and pray God will intervene on his time table because what we are witnessing is described in Revelation. Bible Prophecy: Church Age, Rapture, Tribulation, Armageddon, Second Coming of Christ, Millennium, Great White Throne of Judgement for Unbelievers, Eternity Future for Believers. We are in a Spiritual battle with the greatest liar and deceiver since The Garden of Eden and people like Obama Biden, Harris are His foot soldiers who have harden their hearts to God’s Truth. We all know God has defeated death and ultimately wins in the end. Repent, pray, be a servant leader and share the Good News!😘🇺🇸🙏

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First of all, Jay you are doing an excellent job and I thank you for all your sacrifice and hard work. Can you provide us with the names of any scam NGOs that are producing the bad ballots? I can dig from there. I saw somewhere that in Texas, illegals were lined up a block long at the DMV to get licenses, and in the parking lot there was an NGO registering these new voters. No mention of the NGOs name or location. Working from home I need a starting point to dig down to the operators. Any help is appreciated, I'd just like to learn more by following the money flow.

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I was at the DMV with my son, and a Hispanic lady requested I help her with the kiosk check in interface. Among the questions asked by the kiosk were questions confirming her illegal status, followed by "do you claim to be indecent and are applying for an ID card for voting purposes?" That's verbatim what was on the kiosk screen! I took pics!

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Start with Catholic Relief Services

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CRS is bigger than the mob, dang

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Another person to message is Mark Mitchell of Rasmussen Reports. He is a decent pollster and is covering election fraud on X. He can get the word out on the RNC maybe.

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RNC is the problem. They won't look at Fractal QuantumTechnology

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Because they're in on it... at least most are...

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We have. Jay

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for what its worth, when I get a donation email request from President Trump's campaign, the RNC or any body running for office, Federal or State elections, I reply with a Rumble web link to omega, so far the replies seem to be sending, they dont seem to be the "NO REPLY" emails

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