
We are working with almost an army of people telling the RNC and Trump Campaign to stop mail in ballots from going to legitimate addresses. They hear us. They know it will work. They are only pushing programs where they get a cut - like hiring armies of kids to harvest ballots. When you get the money flow, you will understand why they are never going to use technology.

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Thanks for the note. There is no way the public can access our databases. If we were to build a public - available system, it would cost us a lot of dough to have to support it. Thus we do it for some specific, highly trained teams in swing states. Jay

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"The inmates are running the asylum" here in PA! To begin with here in PA--I've spent time the past few weeks researching the voter rolls in my county using the IV3 app and I downloaded the Full Voter Registration list from Fayette County -- and found it rife with errors, discrepancies, anomalies, and in my little hometown discovered 2 people born in 1906 and 1923, died in 1999 and 2011 and voted in 2018 & 2019 and one is listed as Active and the other Inactive! This opens to door for fraud and IMHO this is government malfeasance and willful neglect. Federal law states that they must regularly maintain the voter rolls and they aren't doing it. In PA the Uni-Party Rinos are admitting the voter rolls are a problem and Senator Chris Dush is proposing an "Enhancing Voter List Maintenance Bill" on Feb. 27 and is making a point that the state's voter rolls are outdated!! They are admitting that tens of thousands of non-citizens may be unwittingly registered to vote and 80,000 duplicate registrations. They are not concerned about the voter rolls -- and they are to blame. Time to hold them accountable --- we can't let the inmates run the elections. FYI -- Shapriro has Kathleen Bockvar as the head of the Election Integrity Taskforce in PA -- and we all know her involvement in the PA steal in 2020.

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I am just getting started with IV3 in Yolo County CA, and was really glad to hear your first hand experience. I was at Catherine's Friday 10am (PST) Onward teaching session and she answered a lot of my questions. But I haven't heard the topic of Omega4's findings brought up by her. Have you? I think Jay is in a position similar to the Russian who invented the T34 tank that won the tank war for the Russians. No one wanted to listen to him, until he drove the tank to Moscow himself and demonstrated it to the leaders. I think Jay has to somehow get through to Eric and Lara Trump, who have the intelligence and passion to start necessary things happening.

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Jay, first off - you are a great American Patriot - thank you!!!! I have been reading your articles and posts for months-I have watched your videos- the truth of what you are saying is undeniable. Why are you being ignored? Why did American Thinker stop publishing your articles? I watched your interviews with Steve Bannon - he certainly appeared to understand and agree with you, I have to believe he would have alerted the Trump campaign that the solution to ballot manufacturing is available. You mentioned Texas - is AG Ken Paxton in touch with you? If anyone could light a fire under these sleeping fools in the RNC it would be him. I sound frantic because I am frantic - I just don’t get why the Fractal’s solution isn’t being used in every swing state. Is the Wisconsin team that saved Senator Johnson’s seat working with other states to show how it’s done?

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I am also dismayed that this information which rings so true to me is not being widely disseminated on Twitter and elsewhere. I wish Jay could be interviewed by Tucker Carlson or even Elon Musk. It's like this kind of information is not being taken seriously by the Republican party, and I can't imagine why.

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I've sent these O4A releases to the Alabama Sec of State, the Alabama AG, AND every staff person listed on their web pages. Not one response. Not one. Republicans are the right wing of the American communist UniParty. Trump could the Nigel Farage of the U.S.A. Looks like too bad, so sad, again.

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Would you be able to provide a list of all the illegitimate ballots for Allegheny County, PA? I was able to get a thumb drive of 2020 ballots cast in the general election and had then analyzed by a top forensic document specialist. There were over 50,000 duplicate and triplicate ballots cast and counted. There is a team working in our County. See analysis pittsburgh@pittsburghPaUS

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Gen Eric Smith etal will likely have feet on the ground in these high stake places to intercept the illegal drops in the middle of the night.

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Prevention is better than cure. VBM is wildly known as the problem for voter integrity. Stop VBM ballots going to phantom voters is the key.

How can public access to the 26 states landing page that O4A is working on and experience the Fractal operation flow?

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