
We have emails from about a dozen "Trump advisors" usually old guys, sometimes with golf clubs in their hand, in their pix with Trump. We now collect them. Every one of them tells us they are going to tell Trump he needs to address these ballot mills - and literally nothing happens. We take it in stride as these are politicos and you have no idea how really stupid political people are - it must be in their DNA - until you chat with them. Look, we are tech guys, we are getting tons of business from people who see our videos - and work for major corporations - and see we solve some of their biggest A.I. problems. We are just saying our piece - in writing. Our internal forecasts tell us to put as much of this in writing now - and after the election we can have some fun with it. Thanks for reading our stuff. Jay

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Excellent question. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is on the narrative that we should "clean voter rolls." Every talking head says so. That is why we, as tech guys, not talking heads, publish videos on why that cannot work in the 140 days we have left. We are the only ones showing - again with live videos - that the only way to stop the steal in 2024 - in the time remaining is to stop ballots to ineligible addresses. We won a U.S. Senate seat with it in 2022. I suspect you will never hear the people you noted taking this position - because they are talking heads, we, however run the data using quantum tech - and thus we see things in the data that are not seen with conventional tech. Our videos got us kicked off of American Thinker and we are pretty much banned from a lot of the right-wing podcasts - because we counter the narrative - and its funders. When we stopped eBay fraud in 2001, when we stopped terrorists via the No-Fly List, when we stopped much of the auto fraud for the large insurers - the cognoscenti in those spaces didn't talk about our solutions either. That's what it's like to be at the edge. There are not a lot of us at the edge, and we like it that way. Jay

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Well, maybe they might be interested in our ability, in every swing state, to have a real time, voter tracking system - to monitor who voted, on a daily, in some cases hourly basis. Let's find out. Jay

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What are you doing to get the attention of the Trump Campaign asap? Surely you have high level Republican advocates in the states where you’ve had success tgat can help you. Have you made any attempts to contact Tucker Carlson to get an interview with him that would draw attention to this issue?

I want to believe what you are saying, but continuing to scream “fire” to people like isn’t going to get the issue addressed. You’ve got to find a way to go straight to the top!

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I like your articles but i always come away thinking what am i supposed to do with the info? Should i be lobbying the GOP in my state to hire you to help us analyze the voter roles looking for fraud? I guess that makes the most sense but maybe there is something in missing, hence the question. The gloom and doom is sometimes a little overwhelming in these articles. It's the RNC and Trump campaign really completely clueless of the issues you bring up? Why have i never heard a talking head like Dan Bongino, Mark Levin, Strven Crowder, etc... never talk about the issues you bring up?

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Jay please tell me, how can we scream loud enough to make Trump's people talk to you. I hope to God you guys are wrong but, it's in the numbers. I keep screaming towards Lara Trump demanding what she's going to say to her father in law when her RNC loses the election. God help us and may God bless you and your team irregardless of the outcome of the election.

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