
We have a lot of people pitching the site to Tucker and one of his guys told us they are very interested so we'll see if that works out. Thanks for your support. Jay

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Hey guys - my email is Jay@Omega4America.com. Email me any time and I try to respond to all - except some crazies. I do not see all the comments here on Substack since it is hard to follow some of the threads.

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So let me see if I have this straight- Jay has all the answers and tech to stop the steal and save our Republic.

The problem is that nobody on Team Trump will listen to him because Mike Lindell or something.,

So JV, why not be a true patriot and get President Trump elected yourself? You know better than anyone exactly how the cheating works right down to the number of votes involved, yet you are clamoring for someone else to fix the problem.

We are just about out of time if it's not too late already according to some, but apparently you are not willing to do what needs to be done,

You mean to tell me that none of these people are willing to use your tech to stop the fraud and get President Trump elected??

I am talking about True the Vote, Judicial Watch, Public Interest Legal Foundation and many other groups that you call "grifters."

If you really can stop the Steal and save our Republic, maybe you should just do it instead of posting fear porn all over that does nothing to help the situation.

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I have same reaction - goes like this, ....I'm reading the article my blood gets hotter cause I saw it too real time and I'm thinking he's gonna tell us what we can actually do who we can contact to help in our own state to remove those illegal ballots.

And nothing.

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Just listened to the other Howie Carr radio show this was dated July 11, 2024 with Jay Valentine. ( other was 4/23/24) Howie Carr is one of fractals best cheerleaders… Again he shows his frustration. However, I recommend everyone here to go and listen to that interview with Jay. In it , Jay , and I’m speaking to you now, you mentioned you need $200,000 per state that’s 1.4 million for the seven states… Can we set up a go fund me Account? Even if you only picked two or three states that $600,000… So the way I look at it , that is not all doom and gloom —somehow we could find you that money… To win two or three swing states all we need for Trump to win… Do we have to use the Trump campaign? The RNC?… I recommend everybody listen to this Show with Carr where a Jay emphatically states the appointments he had with the RNC high-up people, that didn’t even show up for the appointment… So Jay I personally understand your frustration… But let’s all try to find the money for you to do this work…… maybe Carr or Hannity on their show directly to conservatives can raise the money. Hannity is so rich he can do it himself.

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You state “… With quantum tech, we can stop 60% - 70% of these ballots from going to ineligible addresses - if we start soon.”

WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? It doesn’t seem like you need us for anything. You’re not asking us specifically for help. So, what’s the plan? START NOW doing what you claim will help. Is something keeping you from “starting soon”? Can we do something to help you? We’re willing to help!

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Our issue is not so much lawyers as it is the RNC. The RNC has no tech to stop mail-in ballots to ineligible addresses so they deny that it is a thing. Jay

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Then go to these Walmarts, etc and get the ballots. Or tell me how. Otherwise what’s the point of yelling about this?

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Yes, many agree this is very frustrating.

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Trump has a habit of surrounding himself with the wrong people. There must be a way for Mr. Valentine to get directly to Trump and by pass the people on his team that I believe are working to make sure he does not win.

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This is exactly what I was thinking. If this technology can be of service to the Trump campaign, why the hell has Mr. Valentine not been able to contact them directly. Somewhere I saw that the Fractal work would cost about $7million. That is a pittance in the big scheme of running a political campaign for president. GET THIS INFO INTO THE HANDS OF THOSE WHO ARE RUNNING THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN>

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

The people running the campaign appear to be the problem. They either won't meet or aren't interested. They are like Democrat Party double agents. They are too invested in their own hair-brained schemes which are doomed but they have their own agenda, the future of the Republic be damned. Trump needs someone like Gen. Flynn as his right-hand man and attack dog to clean out these grifters and double agents.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

Now that I brought up Gen. Michael Flynn's name, why not reach out to him and connect (whatever it takes) and read him into all this? I think he would help get this in front of Trump and also help deal with the double agents in his campaign.

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This is a mystery.

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I agree that Jay Valentine should be talking directly with Trump. So why isn't he?

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We are doing just that. I wrote $30,000 in checks personally this week to get the site up and the 501c set up - so we are all in here.

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The singular reason the Trump Campaign will not entertain effective election integrity activity - is because of Mike Lindell. They are so done with him, they would not give him credentials to get on the convention floor. We just report it - Jay

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Thanks for the update, Jay. I interpret your post a bit differently than do my fellow subscribers. I think you are being careful and trying to control our expectations by pointing out the tremendous obstacles the Fractal Team is facing. I also assume you are not at liberty to disclose the status of the funding negotiations. Please know that we share your frustration regarding the idiots at the RNC - and that we appreciate your Herculean efforts to stop the fraud!

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There are many if not most of us here who have been following JV for years and who admire his work. However, read some of the comments above about maybe setting up a Go Fund Me account or having readers do SOMETHING to stop the steal.

Instead we get posts like today's telling us that all is lost and there's no hope.

Sorry but this is BS. There are other sources of money besides the RNC and JV knows it.

Personally, I am getting sick of the whining.

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they may create more "phantom voters" with the stolen ss#s from recent nationwide "data breaches" as well

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Anybody here signed into Truth social? I am not yet. But we know Trump reads his tweets, but send him a message directly:

Say hey Trump… Experienced data computing company ( Who set up the TSA no-fly- list) says as of today —You’re going to Lose ! …. BUT if you bring in Fractal Corp. and Omega4America

now , you can still Win …. And put in a few of Jay’s links explaining fractal. But tell Trump he has to do it in about another six days.

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I did it in X. You do it on Truth since you got a way

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I just wonder who monitors Trump's social media for him and what or how much of it he actually sees. Should the Fractal/JV data be sent to a trusted source?

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We have zoning laws in this country that specify property type by address. Surely it is well within the ability of data sorting to clean up voter registration by eliminating any voter not registered at a residential address. It would be easy to send notification out requiring a confirmation, verification Iin person) and change of address to anyone identified as such.

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Some of this article seems like Fear porn click bait......

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What you suggest must be in your state law or they cant do it. The county clerks only can break the law in favor of democrats.

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anytime you get a donation request text from republican groups copy and paste the 4 minute video


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I'm okay with being warned about impending danger but not being handed black pills. What else do you need to stop fake mail in votes from coming from gas stations and Walmarts?

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