So, I just subscribed so I can ask some questions and maybe point out some problems here:

1st: to me it makes zero sense that if Trump is in reality up slightly in the polls, and people who vote for him are extremely likely to also vote for Senate and Congressional Republicans, why would these candidates be so far down from Trump in the polls?? Omega points to that as PROOF that they are right in their assessment that Trump will lose because of the ballet harvesting operations even though he's slightly ahead in the polls; is Omega saying the senate and Congressional polls are including the ballet harvesting fraud taking place?? Rasmussen has been the most accurate poling firm, and they have Trump up much more than Omega is saying, and anyone with a brain knows how bad the leftist poling is. I don't see how the low poling of repub senate and Congressional candidates shows Omega is correct. What am I missing?

2nd) Omega says they are non-partisan, and, in a sense I am as well. I don't trust the RNC anymore than the DNC. Having said that, Omega is reporting on massive fraud being perpetrated by both parties. Is Trump in on it too?? Why would they be trying to jail and KILL HIM if that were true? I agree he's surrounded by rinos and traitors, but he's a smart man. So, if Omega is really concerned about the election being stolen, and they KNOW where the illegal ballet harvesting locations are (the actual facilities where the physical acts of illegal ballet harvesting is being done), why aren't they requesting volunteers to go and stop this operations??? What could these operations do in response to a team of potentially armed former military, police, and/or militia show up and burn the fake ballets and destroy any equipment - such as computers - they have. They can't call the police -they are performing illegally activities!! Omega comes off as simple reporting the truth, and above the fray, while acknowledging that our Country is FINISHED if the fraud is allowed. Why would they just stand by and allow this to happen if, as they claim, they know exactly where and how the "bad guys" are doing it????

3rd; At some point all these illegal ballots must be brought to the ballet counting locations. Why are we not deploying teams to intercept these trucks upon arrival at the legitimate ballet counting locations and destroy the illegal ballots contained within them? The truck drivers delivering illegally ballets would call the police to report it? Then LET THEM. Whether these truck drivers know they are delivering illegal ballets or not, I doubt they would stand in the way of a "team" of Patriots showing up to destroy the illegal ballets.

4th: Musk has endorsed Trump and committed 45 million dollars a month to help him get elected. He has also said he's using the money to help Republicans ballet harvest; this is one of the smartest tech savy and brilliant innovators on our planet, so why hasn't Omega approached him and explained their fractal imaging and quantum computing to him?? He's has the infrastructure to do what no one else can, and wouldn't his money be much better spent on STOPPING illegal ballets, than on legally harvesting ballets for Trump????

Bottom line is I don't understand Omega's non-chelant attitude od "oh well we've done all we can by reporting this. Nothing we can do now unless these un-named billionaire donors come thru." We're a out to become Venezuella/Cuba/Russia/China/etc..., but let's just watch it happen so we can say I told you so???

Or is Omega just after subscriptions, and spouting bullshit themselves???

If it's NOT just about Subscriptions, why aren't you asking for volunteers to STOP this horrendous crime from happening??? I, probably like most of you, am so tired of being "gas-lit", and allows trying to find the truth "between the line". But although I find Omega's research compelling and highly probably, as I've indicated above, I have concerns about Omega, like I should about anyone in this day and age!

Hopefully some of you in this chat may be able to shed light on some of my questions, and/or Omega themselves.

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So the USPS - at least where it counts - is in on the steal. If by some miracle the GOP decides to use your fractal and gets elected, a task for the Trump AG's office should be to ferret out these USPS felons.

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Trump should warn the USPS brass that is handing off crates of undeliverable ballots to NGOs that it will be considered an act of treason by the attorney general he appoints when he takes office.

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We are not allowed on his show because he is funded by Lindell and we point out that Lindell is a clown.

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Thanks for this info - much appreciated. Jay

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Charlie and his guys have a little phone app they are selling and we kind of make it unnecessary. Thus you do not need to send him emails. Jay

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At this point, if we all know about this and Trump still refuses to pursue it, it's starting to give off Judas goat vibes.

Omega actually brought me to realize that the county registrar wasn't verifying addresses with USPS's Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) on registrations as there has always been an oddity in my registered voter address that makes it look like I live in a unit number at my house.

My house just has a regular address but I always thought it curious that they would mail my ballot to what is an obviously errant mailing address that would not pass CASS. That never sat right with me. Why would you let someone register to vote from an address that won't clear the CASS system? It's obviously intentional. Republic of Bananas.

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We are starting to publish the "bad addresses" in state voter rolls - 150,000 in Colorado alone - and that is before we check for phantoms. Jay

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Thanks Jay. You're a real champion. I appreciate you stepping up so I sponsor your jackasses. Keep exposing the traitors.

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Fine. Publish all the "bad addresses." Then what? The Dems and their NGO ballot mills, foot soldiers, funding orgs, and USPS co-conspirators will still send the tens of thousands of bogus ballots to these addresses where they will be picked up by runners or bounced to the USPS where they will bundle them for the runners, all to be routed to ballot counting sites to swing the election. If there is no plan to either a) stop the ballots from being sent in the first place, b) intercepted at the USPS centers or the undeliverable mail collecting points, or c) both, then all you have in the end is a corpse that might get an autopsy so that some uncorrupted historians can document at some point in the future how the American Republic was lost in Nov 2024 (in the 2nd coup d'état by the Progressive Democrats and their useful idiots in the GOP).

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Thanks Bryce ! Those are all very good and thoughtful points . And since I joined and subscribed to omega, I just can’t understand why Fractsl isn’t getting its doors knocked down by new political clients in all the Republican states… I just shake my head at that. I also just finished sending the Murdock Newsmax column and Jay’s four minute video on rumble to Sean Hannity. Someone who has Trump’s ear has got to see this and feel the way we do. If the seven swing states hire Jay , they’d all have a better than 50% chance of winning… my phone number is in an earlier post, I just can’t figure out what’s really going on here.

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for what its worth, I have been trying to get Omega acceptrd here in my home state of Utah. I've been working with a local Congressman Trevor Lee, who is one of our few true patriots. Of course, our local rinos keep stopping replacing the horrible "ERIC" system with Omega...

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I can't figure it out either.... frustrating! we need a volunteer army to meet the trucks and vans delivering illegal ballots to the legit ballot counting locations in all 7 swing states!

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and for God sake, get Elon Musk involved in Omega!! he has STAR LINK!!

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I just can’t believe that if Trump knew about Omega and the Fractal company… And what they could do… That he wouldn’t hire them immediately. $7 million bucks is pocket change to him and Elon. …the campaign has plenty of money… Can’t somebody get Trump personally just to look at his Rumble video Jay posted ,,,only Four minutes long, and read Delroy Murdock’s Newsmax column.?

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I think he must know about it? We know about it and we're just yokels (unless you don't identify as such).

This is why after weeks and weeks and weeks of Lara Trump ignoring what we all recognize as common sense, I'm getting Judas goat vibes. Why aren't they doing what is obvious to all of us? Jay is a godsend. Why are they looking this gift donkey in the mouth. Are they trying to lose?

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Thanks for the update, Jay. A few posts ago you seemed cautiously optimistic - energized even - that the Fractal Team's solution (stopping ballots from being mailed to ineligible addresses) could be implemented in some or all of all of the swing states. Now you seem resigned to Trump's losing. Can you share with us what happened?

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The Republican party elites (all but about 20 of them) want to drive the Trump movement off a cliff so they can go back to how things were Before Trump, never doing anything the American people want, just taking as much as they can for themselves, distracting people with stupid wars, keeping their donors happy and themselves in office with electoral fraud. They prefer a Democrat president and Democrat majority Congress to Trump and a populist Congress. In swing states and even states like Florida, these RINOs are sabotaging reform. The RNC works for both Trump supporting politicians and all the RINOS too so they are a lost cause. Hang in there, we need you to expose the fraud.

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I know. It's inexplicable. WTH is wrong with these people?

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basically we're up against a corrupt democrat party, corrupt complicit uniparty rinos, corrupt state and local election officials, corrupt postal workers, a corrupt media that lies about all of this, a corrupt judiciary that dismisses court cases when lawsuits are filed, corrupt multi billionaires that finance corrupt NGOs to register criminal invaders to vote, and whose trip into the US was financed and facilitated by the above mentioned billionaires and NGOs. have I got that about right or did I miss something?

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I keep posting these articles up everywhere I can that is Maga related sites on TruthSocial on Gettr on . win site, but I’m getting no traction, it’s as if they don’t wanna know that this is actually real unbelievable.

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Please keep at it. Hope whoever listens to you gets to the Trump campaign. You may be America’s only hope. Even if you help pull off a miracle to help stop the steal and you don’t get the credit for it, it will have been worth it.

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Watched Trump tonight at his Arizona rally… He mentioned Charlie Kirk , at Turning point… The the up-and-coming young conservative spokesman ….He said Charlie’s in charge of guarding against cheating… Trump said we’re gonna stop the cheating…… and yes, I’m trying to send everything about Fractal quantum computing to Charlie… Again, I just cannot believe that someone can’t look at this Fractal computing systems and see that it works,….. hire them….and win 1-2 or three of the Swing states……. I can’t believe Jay or one of his salesman cannot get in front of Trump and sell his deal.? !!

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Rob -- Go over to Jay's web site at https://omega4america.com and find the link to his interview on the Howie Carr show. Jay describes what he is up against with the GOP operatives who won't listen. They are invested in being controlled opposition, which for many of them can be quite lucrative. Swamp creatures.

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Does Trump know something the rest of us don't know? He's talking now like the election is all over but the shouting--and he's the winner. What's up with that? DJT never struck me as delusional.

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Y’all here is my 2 cents…Pride money and prestige cloud well meaning people close to Trump using old methods and outdated software because the donors, volunteers and staff are not non-linear thinkers so they have too much invested (Pride, oops, made a mistake) to say we need Jay, fraud data team to helps us identify by redirecting money allocated on lawyers, poll counting/watchers, etc to funding in seconds fake addresses PRIOR to sending out mail in ballots to disrupt enough fraud so Trump wins. We do not have to relieve on donors, lawyers after the fact; proof the courts do not want to get involved and or corrupt.

Jay and team are “outsiders” with real time analysis that shows how many well paid political consultants, RNC, voter integrity groups, have been unsuccessful in stopping fraud for a long time. I do not know the cost to hire a fraud time but if they are looking for billionaires then it’s definitely above my pay grade. I know they have done some work for free or no cost to prove the accuracy of the system but you have to remember. As well meaning as Mike Lindell was and his team made people shy away from stopping fraud based on their mistakes, etc. so, there are many doubting Thomas’s and then there are players with their hand in the cookie jar that care about their personal wealth gain than saving our Republic. So, I suggest praying for God to intervene and provide exactly what a few data guys need financially to disrupt enough fraud in swing states so we can stop the march into communism/marxisim 1 world order!😱🙏🇺🇸😘

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how about getting the info to MUSK and NOW

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