“we know because we are fixing them for some Congressional candidates”

Which states?

In only the swing states that you mentioned in an earlier response?

The entire state or just their district in a given state or states?

“the RNC might want to return our many unanswered calls”

I am going to assume there are several people like me that want to be your sales team. That want to agitate for analysis. I for one will work free of charge to save the country.

Election fraud is accomplished in multiple ways on purpose. If one way is discovered the “authorities” might say, “unless you can show it will change the outcome we’re noy going to spend the time and money to investigate”.

The election integrity activists are getting all but 2 of the methods covered : Mailed ballots and “man in the middle” results modification.

You have the best approach for mailed ballots fraud, simply stop the election administrator from mailing ballots to illegal addresses.

The “man-in-the-middle” issue can’t be addressed until Albertsensors are removed. Lindel’s monitors will most certainly detect wireless communications because that is how Albertsensors communicate with home base. Mike will be able to prove that and make an issue of it. He is an Ad man, he’ll do a great job of highlighting it to the public.

So back to us voluntary sales people, you need to tell us what to say and an estimated cost (per 100,000 population?). Using your past e-mails I believe I could put together a draft sales sheet(s) for your review and comment?

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Thanks for the kind words. We have the team in Wisconsin who are expert in our tech plus a bunch of their own that helps with voter rolls. They support some congressional candidates and probably a senate one. In the election space, they are pretty much the only ones who take our products to market. Our markets are the Fortune 100 - the big names - we do the election stuff via the Wisconsin team.

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Jay, has the Wisconsin team tried and succeeded in giving Trump personally a demonstration on fractal analysis and how it can disrupt enough fraud for him to Win? He would be especially “open” since he returned from Tech FR in CA. He was exposed to AI writing a speech in a few clicks that was better than his speech writers but his policies. He embraced this technology in a more favorable manner and said he will be using it. So… maybe a FaceTime meeting would work??😘🙏🇺🇸🎉

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