I have been sharing your articles and Substack for months. However, I have been receiving pushback from a few "audit the vote" leaders here in PA. It amazes me how they refuse to accept this fractal solution, especially in light of the 2020 election and the issues caused by Act 77 and the mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania. The mail-in ballot system was created and designed after Trump's surprise victory in 2016, and the GOP in our state vowed to prevent such an outcome in the future. They began to implement legislation that facilitated cheating and protected the "incumbents," which Act 77 has accomplished. This strategy worked in 2020, and it seems to be the plan for 2024 as well. We urgently need Fractal in PA! I am a judge of elections in my county -- what can I do to help?

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Not surprised. They put me on a poll watching team and I told them they are locking the door after the horse is stolen.

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Is there ANY Republican or Trump supporting group that is using Jay's fractal technology as he describes it?

Hard to believe that after all the JV articles and substack posts, Team Trump is not all over this tech.

There are a lot of great people out there who support President Trump, including the great ELON MUSK.

You mean to tell me that Elon is too stupid to see the value of JV's fractal tech?

Or how about Stephen Miller, another genius lawyer- has anyone ever tried to make him aware of this?

It seems incredible that nobody on Team Trump knows about this or wants to at least try it. SMH

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Good point. If Elon has any awareness at all (and we know he is very smart), he needs to be getting behind this on X, interview Jay, and start mobilizing take-charge types who can turn this around before the dimwits running the GOP run the campaign over a cliff.

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Can you start naming names so we know whom it is we should put pressure on, either directly or via one of Trump’s trusted surrogates (Don Jr.?, Tucker Carlson?). Why not try and get a slot with Tucker?

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

I tried to get Tucker's attention on to Jay's work at the Tucker Carlson website in the area where you can suggest people to interview. Was not successful. Just rechecked the website. Actually it was in the "contact us area" under News Tips. An email can be sent to tips@TCNetwork.com if anyone else would like to try.

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Check the videos at omega4america.com. Jay was interviewed on the National Howie Carr Show (a very interesting interview -- you should listen to it -- https://www.omega4america.com/jay-valentine-on-the-national-howie-carr-show/). He talks about some of the contacts he has made. The ignorance and stupidity (maybe also dishonesty) of some of the people he has encountered who should be trying to help defeat the Dem vote fraud machine is mind boggling. You have to conclude that some of these people are actually double agents or just compromised by the payoffs they will get even if Trump loses. Too many of these types are swamp creatures, and Trump needs a trusted junkyard dog who will clear out the grifters and traitors.

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So today, we see a voter in Wisconsin registered at an abandoned building. He will get a ballot - because a Leftist org has asked for one for him. We challenge the ballot before it goes out. Should it go out, we challenge it before it is counted. We don't really care if he is taken off the voter roll - because if we stop the ballot - mail in ballot - he is not in the system. If he wants to vote, he can show up and vote at the polls - but since he does not exist, he won't. Not much else to do with 70 days left. Jay

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👏👏👏👏, thanks for your continual bugling and sirening, Jay, 📢🔊📢, will pass it on --

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We didn't get into this overwhelming sovereign electoral fraud mess in four years and we won't get out of it in four years. Sovereign fraud is in the DNA of US politics going back decades. Read Vote Scam as one example or look at Black Box Voting.com. No one high in the Trump campaign wants to end up like Jeff Clark or Rudy Guiliani or Tina Peters. But with Fractal Technology, thousands of involved local citizens can shed light on this fraud and put pressure on SOSs to follow the law. Donate or get involved with fractal groups at the local level. And please Jay and team stick with it. Fractal technology is genius!!

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I took the trouble to create a spreadsheet that compared the 2016 results with the 2020 results state-by-state. In Pennsylvania, Trump’s 2016 winning margin of 0.8% turned into a -1.2% losing margin in 2020. In Georgia, 5.3% to -0.2%; Michigan, 0.2% to -2.8%, Arizona, 3.8% to -0.3%, and Wisconsin 0.8% to -0.6%. Each of these states is dominated by a few large urban counties run by Democrats top to bottom and that is where the cheating happens. The Democrats had hopes of flipping Texas and Florida. In Texas, they managed to slice Trump’s winning margin from 9.4% to 5.7%. Cities like Dallas and Austin may flip Texas in 2024. In Florida, Trump managed to increase his winning margin from 1.2% to 3.4%., but that was the exception.

What really surprised me was that Trump’s margin, whether he won or lost, decreased in almost every state. The only exceptions were California, New York, Illinois and Florida. The first three of these states are automatic wins for Democrats, while Florida, going back to 2000, has been more vigilant in combating voter fraud. But. maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised. I was wondering how Biden could get 81 million ballots compared to Trump’s 74 million votes if the cheating only occurred in 5 mid-sized states. I thought it might have been the impact of COVID measures, such as the expansion of mail-in balloting and drop boxes, but the fact that Trump’s margins increased in 4 of the five largest states suggests otherwise. I’m going to attribute the improvement in the Democrat’s margins across the other 55 states to “plausible deniability”. If you point out that the Democrats won by cheating and flipping five swing states, then they can simply say that they improved their share of the votes in almost every other state. Which implies that the ballot mills operate in every state.

I can send you the spread sheet if you want to see my stats. I don't guarantee it is 100% accurate because I transcribed the state by state results from CNN by hand. I did make certain the electoral votes lined up so I know it is close.

Am I on the right track of barking up the wrong tree?

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Thanks for your efforts on this, Pat. This is interesting, but not too surprising. After the Dems got surprised in 2016, they stepped up their vote fraud game on multiple fronts. Ballot manufacture/stuffing can be decisive, but it's not the only tactic the Dems have deployed. They are pursuing a "combined arms" strategy -- a "sea-air-land assault" -- to preclude any recovery or further surprises from legitimate citizen voters. What you are observing is a long-standing Dem strategy that has been super-charged with mail-in ballots. They use the Democrat Machine (an organized criminal enterprise) to push on multiple fronts -- legislative, financial, media, ground forces for voter registration, motor-voter, etc -- and draw on a large network of NGOs, fellow travelers, and dark money sources (foreign and domestic) to gain control at all levels of government and then use that control to weaponize the arms of government (at all levels) to ensure their continued control and payoffs to their soldiers and capos. It really is an organized crime network masquerading as a political party, as this gives them access to the powers of the state. This is why you see states turn blue but almost never back to red. It is also the historical pattern of the takeover of countries by the communists.

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I’ve posted these articles where MAGA lurks and direct messages to influencers and podcasters. Zero response. I’ve even been down voted on the Patriot.win site. Will keep trying.

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We need to emphasize the penalty for voter registration violation: $15000 fine, imprisonment up to 5 years or both.

You wrote: "We don’t clean those f#$%ing voter rolls - we stop mail-in ballots going to them!" The County Clerk office send out sample ballots to everyone on Voter Rolls; It updates its records from any returned sample ballots name in "inactive". Then the contractor hired by County Clerk office send out mail-in-ballots to voters that is in "active" status and choose to be VBM on the Voter Rolls.

How do you achieve "stop mail-in ballots going to them" without cleaning out the Voter Rolls? NJ adds voters constantly thru DMV without checking their citizenship. Social Security Office is doing the same. Dead people maybe added back into the Voter Rolls again. What instruction you will provide to the Trump campaign team to stop mail-in ballots going to the illegal/phantom voters?

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Good questions!

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Cleaning voter rolls is a long process, in Blue states they won't do it. So why not identify that an address is a gas station, cannot legally house a voter - and challenge that ballot from being sent to a legally ineligible address. It is a Federal crime to send a ballot to an address you know cannot house a voter. That voter is not disenfranchised - they can go out and vote - show their ID card from the gas station and vote. But they won't because they do not exist. Jay

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Pennsylvani a will be tough nut to crack. Governor Shapiro when he was AG together with our crooked Supreme Court screwed Trump in 2920. In 2024 Shapiro has set up a fake election state "integrity" group to monitor the election. The PA motor vehicle department can hand out licenses to illegals and also register to vote at the same time. All this is useful background information. Any questions or comments, please write me I have more information.

Keep up the good work

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Jay, When you can identify voter names registered with gas station address. You need to submit the record to BOE and ask the voters to be removed from voter rolls. To me, that is cleaning the voter rolls. County clerk send out mail-in-ballots according to the Voter Rolls. You have to cleaning the Voter Rolls to stop ballots going to illegal voters. BTW, I don't believe any illegals will be so stupid to go to the poll locations to vote in person. No Way!!!

This is first time I hear "It is a Federal crime to send a ballot to an address you know cannot house a voter.", Post Office know their neighborhood, and if they deliver ballots to gas stations. Follow your comment, the postman, post master are committed federal crime for knowingly deliver ballots to "illegal" addresses. Why Republicans' DA NOT going after Post office? Can you quote the law to back your statement?

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News Flash from NY- OMEGA and JV are making a difference!

Yesterday I contacted my county Board of Elections (which is the agency in charge of all voting and elections in our towns) to ask what they would do if I presented them with a list of voters who were registered at non-residential or non-existent addresses.

The short answer, to my surprise, was that they would investigate and possibly remove the names from the rolls, even though we are less than 90 days from the election. In fact, the lady I spoke with said that they can even ask the SHERIFF to investigate!

The commissioner I spoke to is a neighbor whom I've known for many many years. She is the only one at the BoE that I mostly trust to give the right answers even though she's a Dem. The Republican commissioner is a Never Trump RINO who actively tried to sabotage my campaigns when I ran for office as a fellow Repub.

Anyway- this is the exact OPPOSITE of what they told us last year when we went to them with lists of phantom, illegal and non-existent voters that we had obtained through another tech person who has figured out the algorithm that's totally screwed up NY's voter rolls. We didn't know if there addresses were real or not, we just had names and Voter ID numbers.

At that time the BoE ladies told us we had to SUE them! Fast forward and now they say they would investigate if we gave them the list of phony addresses and names!!


Sadly, my county is probably one of the smallest in NYS- population under 100K and REP majority. We are not the problem- our Downstate neighbors are.

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Thanks so much! Jay

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Jay- another thing we are finding out: the requirements to remove names and/or addresses are different in every state. For example: in some states the Secretary of State is in charge of the elections and voter rolls.

In others like New York, there is a State Board of Elections that is over the County Boards of Elections. The State BoE makes the rules and regs. The Counties do have autonomy over the towns.

As you will see from my post below, our County board has changed its tune in recent days!

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Thanks, Jay, for another great article. I've watched all of your videos and they just hit me like a ton of bricks - the fraud is so obvious, so irrefutable, these videos can't be explained away. I know you are trying to manage your readers' expectations, but given what the Fractal Team has accomplished, I can't help but be optimistic.....you are great Americans!!!!

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As a longtime writer and investigative journalist, the question is asked who can I contact regarding all of this.

But the question is not just who, but how much. Usually, we send out just one message, say to Tucker Carlson, and then that’s it.

There are never any guarantees, but the way to be most effective and to at least give you a feeling that you are doing something is to rewrite Tucker on a daily basis if you can. That’s the key.

Don’t copy and paste the previous message, but just send it in a little rewritten way. Same thoughts, but a different angle. Here is an example below of what I sent to Tucker just now - tips@TCNmetwork.com. In the coming days and weeks, I will be sending him different versions of the same thought.

As Jay said, we either die on this hill or we make them do it.


I am a long time, investigative journalist — The Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Washington Examiner.

The story of the century that should be covered from here until the election should NOT be ignored by Tucker.

It is the story of Jay Valentine and his cutting edge artificial intelligence Fractal quantum teams that are that are embedded in each of the key swing states.

According to Mr. Valentine, if the election were held today, it would be Harris 303, Trump 235 electoral votes.

Why? Because each of those swing states currently have at least 500,000 illegally manufactured ballots to be dumped — 1.4 million in Pennsylvania alone.

Senator Ron Johnson, of Wisconsin credits Mr. Valentine‘s technology teams for his close victory in 2022.

Using an innovative method of comparing voter rolls with property tax rolls (manufactured ballots coming from Walmarts, gas stations, homeless shelters, etc. are illegal if not coming from a residence) Jay is on a course to upset what the left has put into place for years.

Mr. Valentine has proven with hard data and videos that cleaning up the voter rolls by getting people thrown off of them is useless and a misdirection.

Fractal quantum technology in a matter of seconds is about preventing manufactured ballots from those Walmarts and gas stations from being sent out in the first place.

And if they are, they can be caught with their pants down.

The RNC’s relational technology is outdated and their hope of using 100,000 poll watchers will be for naught.

Lara Trump and Michael Whatley are steering a course of catastrophic proportions.

Tucker would be wise to query why the RNC is surrounded by well meaning, but uninformed types that are running the Trump campaign into the ground.

Is it really too difficult to see how the Left, through all of their thousands of NGOs have placed ballot manufacturing instead of ballot harvesting as their priority?

And is the RNC too stubborn like General Custer to see what’s before them, and their lawyers in it for the grift?

Tucker isn’t afraid to ask the hard questions. That’s what makes him great.

Lara Trump’s well intentioned, but non-involvement with the issue of illegal ballot manufacturing is a hard question by Tucker that would make waves.

It is a question too hard to be ignored, but if Tucker does

he will be asked post election why he didn’t ask in the first place.

Gary Clemente

(559) 940-88822

Jay Valentine



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Gary- many thanks, this is EXCELLENT. I will follow your example and continue to send notes and letters to Tucker et al.

However, doesn't it bother you that Jay HASN'T been on some mainstream right leaning show like Tucker or Jesse??

I scan dozens of political articles online every single day and have never seen Jay featured in the mainstream media or cable news shows. It's like he's doing this work underground or something.

So he helped Ron Johnson? Then why doesn't Ron go on Maria Bartiromo's show and talk about it?? OR why doesn't Ron tell MARIA to interview JAY VALENTINE??

Jay should be all over Tucker, Jesse, Maria, Catz and Friends (NY 77 WABC radio) yet he's not being covered.

Hoping that your efforts will work!

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

Is there any constitutional ground to challenge these laws banning states from scrubbing voter rolls just before an election if systemic election fraud can be proven or are these laws set in stone even in the face of rampant corruption? I personally define election fraud as being committed by government officials like poll workers or those in charge of certifying election results that they know are fraudulent rather than voter fraud committed by an individual, BTW.

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Trump seems rather naive himself. He says the Democrats are going to cheat, so we have to swamp the Democrats on election day. Just locking the barn after the horse is stolen

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6 mins ago

The article/column in Newsmax by Deroy Murdock was terrific ! Hope everybody saw it.... couple days ago. He laid it out perfectly and accurately what Jay and Fractal is doing. In fact i sent it to Hannity, Beck, congressman ( Byron Donalds) Maria Bartiromo.... Mike Whately at RNC... hoping for exposure, and that someone can get it to Trump ! Very worried here ...... O4A NL says: alert - " News coming soon"...... we need some good news.... GLTA

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The article/column in Newsmax by Deroy Murdock was terrific ! Hope everybody saw it.... couple days ago. He laid it out perfectly and accurately what Jay and Fractal is doing. In fact i sent it to Hannity, Beck, congressman ( Byron Donalds) Maria Bartiromo.... Mike Whately at RNC... hoping for exposure, and that someone can get it to Trump ! Very worried here ...... O4A NL says: alert - " News coming soon"...... we need some good news.... GLTA

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